Game Studio

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Valve is the most famous game studio making money partnering with steam and selling games. They are also making the most money due to the games being promoted on valve/steam  and if you were to work for valve it would not only mean endless amount of games but extremely good pay.

They have also introduced in game items which has only boomed the amount of money they are receiving and I believe as someone who would work for valve it would be an extremely hard job considering they also receive money doing tournaments which have end prizes of over $100,000.

But my point is that the work for the amount of pay would be heavy due to how big of a company valve is , what they do and who they do things, they not only have the most used gaming application but also sell the most off the site due to the promoting and selling of games, Valve makes way more money than any game studio out there. due to how they work with other companies.


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Zootopia won the award in my opinion because of the quality of the movie which was amazing in character detail and the story was good and reminded me more of something you would watch like Sherlock holmes but this was a mix of Disney and good mystery in a sense.

The climax of the movie was when the bunny was fired and was left lonely because she had said something offensive but ultimately reunites with the fox and the ending was a satisfying one because it didn’t end in a weird way like it had a more memorable ending.

And in the ending of this movie they find out what is making the animals ravage and become savage the dynamic duo trick the evil lamb into revealing that she indeed is the one doing so and ends in zootopia being a friendly place and with two more cops because of the whole issue being settled.

Career study

Image result for mcdonalds

I saw that if you major in business you can get a good job almost anywhere for example mcdonalds is a place you would think would pay minimum wage for almost every position but on the contrary positions like analytics are important because they decide how much your food is going to cost or the frequent change in menu price items.

Majoring in business sounds like hassle but in the long run pays off with the wage you get from high end jobs for huge franchises like McDonald’s  and if you find bigger franchises you can see big companies like google and snapchat looking for hire but in this case you need to have experience in coding which is a cool thing to do.

Coding consists of making scripts so you can make things like websites and you can control which button takes you where for instance Facebook was made by the famous Mark Zuckerberg started the company as a means of reuniting family but instead became famous for looking at friends feed and what not. my point is that coding is the way to go and would be fun to make websites.


Oscar Prediction

My prediction for Oscar winners is Kubo and the two strings mainly because of the special effects  put into the movie another reason i think its winning is because its stop motion and took a whole lot of time to finished also the outcome was flawless the story was amazing and so were the special effects.

The only thing that would increase the bitterness of the movie would be increasing the model of the character because although everything else was perfect I feel they lacked on character design for example the evil sisters within the movie and the evil grandpa. the design on setting was also flawless it looked amazing not to mention so many pictures were taken for the movie.

The thing with the movie was that the editing was too good everything looked so smooth that you could hardly tell that the movie was a stop motion film. the battles which take lots of equipment were phenomenal and the cost of the movie must have cost millions because the equipment needed to do the things they did are costly.


What’s Most Important

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From watching the video by Casey Neistat it came to me that there was more to life than just getting a job and supporting a family.Its the most you can get from life before you get old and cant do the things you’ve always wanted to do. and coming from me what i find important is clearing the bucket list that you’ve always had or risk something you would’ve never thought you would.

What also comes in what i think is traveling , skydiving and doing daring things that you would never think of doing. And in every life what should be most important is your happiness because if you never treat yourself or do the thing you always wanted to do what else is there in your life to do, besides get old and wait for the next generation to surpass you.

But im also not saying that children are not a cause of happiness im in fact saying that you should tend to the happiness while you can because there really is not much time in a lifespan and it should be spent wisely doing things you love or wanna do or just spend time with the people you love the most which can go from partner to family and friends.

My Favorite Disney Movie

My favorite Disney would easily by Monsters, INC. because it has or had good animation the time of the making like many more future movies by Disney, I also loved the story presented within the movie and how we as people fuel the monster society.Another reason  why I liked this movie was because of the characters are and their attitude.

The climax of the movie was when Randall takes Boo and mike along with sully go on an adventure to hunt down the two.The ending was a bad one but satisfied most people but not to me because in my mind I think they never see each other again. Again there are also many people with different ideas on endings.

My opinion on why the movie got so popular was because the characters were too good to hate. The characters mike and sully are friends since college as now released in the movie monsters university, the friendship between the two made them the dynamic duo and that led to the fun in watching them adventure off after Boo.

My First Stop Motion Project

As it being my first stop motion project i find it satisfying to realize i didn’t do half bad. Also it was extremely fun but also time consuming therefore not too much sleep. But as someone who isn’t at any way shape or form talented in art i feel accomplished whenever i look back at this video. If i could do this project any better i would definitely want to do this in the future to test myself to see if i can do this project any better.

Falling Leaf

This is my Falling Leaf Video, It took a while because i was lost on how to add the sound to the video,But overall i think it turned out great.This was somewhat fun because i enjoyed drawing something you would see in real life.I also enjoyed the fact that we had the choice to do this project on any setting.If i could do this better i would spend more time on the tree it’s self and not just it’s leaves.

Character Frenzy


This is one of my favorite projects mainly because you can draw the character you was also really fun but really easy to do , took me a period to do. i did another one of bender from Futurama.i chose this character because it was my number one cartoon show and i like jerry the best. id like to do something like this again in the near future.

Self Portrait


My name is Luis Hernandez and this project was a bit harder than i thought at first.The hardest part about this project was the layers and the coloring. i initially messed up on the lining and the coloring. i also finished early and decided to draw a backpack in the background.this project was not as fun as the character frenzy but i finished it.